When clicking the More Photos, Send Me a Smile, or Add to Favorites button(s), nothing happens! |
Our site relies on JavaScript, a programming language built-in to most Web browsers. JavaScript is a language which gives us a little more power to display windows and Web pages in a more advanced fashion than relying on the standard HTML Web page language.
If you have an older Web browser or you have disabled JavaScript, these features will not work because they use JavaScript to pop-up a window which shows you the results of clicking the respective button(s). Because there are so many Web browser types and versions, it would be impossible for us to lead you through enabling this feature. Instead, please make sure you have the newest Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) installed on your computer.
NOTE: Another leading cause of our site's buttons malfunctioning is pop-up blocking software. Pop-up blocking software blocks sites which abuse the JavaScript language and pop-up advertisements. That's a good thing! However, your pop-up blocking software may also be blocking our site's windows from popping-up with "More Photos", etc.. Check your pop-up blocking software (if installed) for features which will let you enable our site's pop-up features only. |
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August 18, 2007
22:30 (10:30 PM)